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SDO: International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration


Primary Contact

Kirsten McNeil
Staff Engineer
1110 North Glebe Road, Suite 250
Arlington, VA 22201
Phone: 703.312.4200
Fax: 703.312.0065

Organizational Overview

IIAR is an organization that serves those who use industrial refrigeration technology through education and advocacy. The Institute promotes the safe use of ammonia and other natural refrigerants through education, information, and standards. Our members include industrial refrigeration end users, many of whom are large multinational food processing companies, beverage producers and cold storage warehouse operators. Our membership also includes ammonia refrigeration contractors, engineers, component manufacturers, suppliers and academics. Each year, more than 1,000 ammonia refrigeration professionals representing all of our membership categories from around the world, attend the IIAR Industrial Refrigeration Conference & Exhibition. It’s the largest event dedicated exclusively to industrial refrigeration held anywhere in the world.

The IIAR Industrial Refrigeration Conference & Exhibition presents a balanced program of technical paper presentations, panel discussions, and forums. The sessions address cutting edge engineering, design and operational issues and topical subjects that affect the business in general, such as codes and standards, regulatory compliance, marketing and insurance issues.

IIAR is also a technical resource for the industry. Publications focus on regulatory compliance, training, system design standards, piping guidelines and operating and maintenance guidelines. The IIAR website,, also houses the largest industrial refrigeration on-line technical library containing more than 400 technical papers and publications that are available to IIAR members.

Scope of Standards Developing Activity

IIAR is currently the only organization writing performance standards for ammonia refrigeration systems. IIAR has two standards in publication, ANSI/IIAR 2-1999, Equipment, Design, and Installation of Closed-Circuit Ammonia Mechanical Refrigerating Systems and ANSI/IIAR 3-2005, Ammonia Refrigeration Valves. We are also developing a new suite of standards, following ANSI guidance, covering Start-up and Commissioning, Maintenance and Inspection, Installation, Decommissioning and Developing Operating Procedures for Ammonia Refrigeration Systems. Our goal is to be the premier provider of performance standards for industrial refrigeration worldwide. IIAR also offers several guidance and training program documents for regulatory compliance, operator education and best engineering practices in the industry.

International Activities by Region


Adolfo Blasquez
A. Blasquez E. Refrigeracion Industrial
Avenue Contreras No. 516
5o. Piso Col. San Jerónimo Lídice
10200 México, D.F. México
Phone: 55.5683.6288 / 6795
Fax: 55.5683.7037
Email: [email protected]

IIAR is based just outside of Washington DC and hosts an annual conference every year at different locations in North America. The annual meeting always includes sessions on standards and codes in the international arena. While the majority of IIAR members are from North America, we are expanding our international participation rapidly. IIAR representatives regularly contribute at international conferences. Annual meeting technical presentations are offered in Spanish and English.


Zhao Lianjie
Evapco China
1688 Jinshi Road
Baoshan Industrial Zone
Shanghai, 200949 CHINA
Phone: 86.21.58773980
Fax: 86.21.58772928
Email: [email protected]

Hu Wangyang
Chinese Association of Refrigeration
10/F.,Yindu Mansion, No.67, Fucheng Road
Haidian Distr, 100036
Beijing P.R.China
Phone: 86.10.68434683
Fax: 86.10.68434679
Email: [email protected]

IIAR signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Chinese Association of Refrigeration in 2007. The two organizations are enjoying a free flow of information and visitors to each others’ events. The IIAR standards are being adopted into the Chinese system by CAR. Representatives of IIAR make visits to China several times each year to nurture this valuable relationship. The organizations are working together to improve the use of industrial refrigeration in the food cold chain. Annual meeting technical presentations are simultaneously translated in Chinese.


Andy Pearson
Star Refrigeration
Thornliebank Industrial Estate
Glasgow G46 8JW United Kingdom
Phone: 41.638.7916
Fax: 41.638.8111
Email: [email protected]

IIAR is active in the ISO standards development process, and regularly contributes to the US TAG on issues relating to industrial refrigeration.

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