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Resources: Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs)

Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs)

This Directory provides information on a wide variety of Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs) that have voluntarily submitted their information and that play a role in the U.S. system, including contact information, the scope of standards development work, and their international activities by geographic region. For a complete list of ANSI-accredited SDO’s, please visit the ANSI website.

.  Submit a profile to include your organization in the Directory

Information in this SDO Directory can be searched by:

. Learn more about the directory

In the United States, industry relies on standards developed by hundreds of national and international SDOs. These SDOs are independent organizations that identify market needs and react accordingly, working directly with technical experts from around the globe to develop appropriate standards. Most SDOs welcome – or even actively encourage – participation from companies, government officials, organizations and other stakeholders from around the globe.

As coordinator of the U.S. standards system, ANSI has developed this SDO Directory to help international stakeholders learn more about the organizations developing standards for their products or industry sectors. The key objectives of this resource are to:

  • Highlight and promote the important activities and contributions of these organizations in the U.S. and abroad
  • Make the decentralized U.S. system easier to understand and more accessible to international stakeholders
  • Encourage increased international participation in the organizations important to U.S. stakeholders

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