Brazilian Government Entities
Below is 25 government entities and the sectors in which they are active, followed by a complete description of the authority and expertise of each and contact info.
National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC)
SECTOR: Civil Aviation; Airport and Aeronautics Infrastructure
ANAC is the regulatory agency whose role is to regulate and oversee activities involving civil aviation and airport and aeronautical infrastructure, linked to the President’s Civil Aviation Secretariat.
The regulatory activities of ANAC can be divided into two: technical and economic regulations. These regulations seek to ensure the safety of passengers and users of civil aviation through regulations that
govern certification and oversight in the industry. Economic regulations govern monitoring and possible market interventions seeking to attain maximum efficiency.
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National Film Agency (ANCINE)
SECTOR: Film and Cinema; Audiovisuals
ANCINE is the regulatory agency responsible for promoting, regulating and overseeing the film and audiovisual markets in Brazil,
linked to the Ministry of Culture.
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National Electrical Power Agency (ANEEL)
SECTOR: Electrical Power
ANEEL regulates and oversees all services provided by electric companies, from power generation to distribution to consumers.
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National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL)
SECTOR: Telecommunications
ANATEL’s mission is to promote Brazil's telecommunications development in order to provide it with a modern and efficient telecommunications infrastructure, capable of
offering adequate and diversified services throughout the country.
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National Waterway Transportation Agency (ANTAQ)
SECTOR: Waterway Transportation; Waterway and Port Infrastructure
ANTAQ is the regulatory agency which implements the policies formulated by the Ports Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic (SEP/PR), the National Council for Integration of
Transportation Policies (CONIT), and the Ministry of Transportation (MTr). It is responsible for regulating, supervising and overseeing the activities of waterway transportation
services and port and waterway infrastructure.
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National Ground Transportation Agency (ANTT)
SECTOR: Ground Transportation; Highway and Railway Infrastructure; Pipelines
ANTT is the regulatory agency responsible for regulating railway infrastructure, federal highways and ground transportation services. It also works on pipelines and is linked to the Ministry of Transportation (MTr).
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National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA)
SECTOR: Promoting Health, Preventive Healthcare and Assistance
ANVISA is the agency which regulates sectors whose products and services affect the health of the Brazilian population. The goods and products subject to health inspection and enforcement are:
medicines used by humans, their active ingredients and other inputs, processes and technologies; food, including drinks, bottled waters and their inputs, their packaging and additives, levels of
organic contaminants, residues of pesticides and veterinary medicines; cosmetics, toiletries and perfumes; cleaning products used for sanitization, disinfection or pest removal in residential,
hospital and public premises; sets of reagents and inputs used for diagnosis; equipment and supplies for medical or hospital use, or in dental, hemotherapeutic and laboratory diagnostics and imaging;
biopharmaceuticals and their active ingredients, blood and blood products; organs, human or animal tissue for use in transplants or reconstructions; radioisotopes for in vivo diagnostic use,
radiopharmaceuticals and radioactive products used for diagnosis and therapy; cigarettes, cigarillos, cigars and any other smoking product, whether or not derived from tobacco; any products that involve
the possibility of a risk to health obtained by genetic engineering, or by another procedure, or if submitted to sources of radiation.
In addition to its regulatory role, it is also responsible for coordinating the National Health Surveillance System (SNVS) in a manner that is integrated with other public agencies directly or indirectly
related to the health sector. Within the structure of the federal public administration, ANVISA is linked to the Ministry of Health (MS) and is a component of the Unified Health System (SUS),
applying its principles and guidelines.
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National Petroleum Agency (ANP)
SECTOR: Geology; Mineral Resources; Hydroelectric Power; Mining and Metallurgy; Petroleum; Natural Gas; Biofuels; Bioenergy; Electrical Power
ANP is the regulatory agency for activities within the petroleum, natural gas and biofuel industries in Brazil. A semi-independent federal agency linked to the Ministry
of Mines and Energy (MME), the ANP is responsible for implementing the national policy for the petroleum, natural gas and biofuels sectors. It also serves as a reference center for data and
information on the petroleum and natural gas industry, maintaining the Exploration and Production Database (BDEP), promoting studies of potential petroleum production and development of the sector;
receives and publicly releases notifications of discoveries; publishes official statistics regarding reserves and production in Brazil; performs periodic surveys of the quality of fuels and lubricants,
and monitors prices of these products. In the biofuels area, it maintains and releases data regarding permits, production and commercialization of biodiesel and ethanol.
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National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN)
SECTOR: Nuclear Energy
The CNEN is a semi-independent agency linked to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), with authority and expertise to research and develop the application of nuclear techniques and
regulate the use of nuclear energy in Brazil.
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National Traffic Council (CONTRAN)
SECTOR: Traffic Legislation; Drivers’ Licenses; Issuance of Documents to Drivers; Registration and Licensing of Vehicles; Traffic Signals
CONTRAN is the highest regulatory and advisory entity of the National Traffic System (SNT); it establishes the regulatory standards of the Brazilian Traffic Code (CBT) and the
guidelines of the National Traffic Policy (PNT); coordinates the entities of the SNT, with the aim of integrating their activities; creates Subject Matter Chambers;
establishes its internal bylaws and guidelines for the operation of CETRAN and CONTRANDIFE; establishes rules and guidelines for the Administrative Board for Appeal of Infractions (JARI);
strives for uniformity of and compliance with the rules contained in the CBT and in the supplementary resolutions; establishes and regulates the procedures for imposing, collecting and transferring fines
for offenses committed in a different state jurisdiction than that where the vehicle is licensed; responds to such inquiries as may be formulated regarding the enforcement of traffic laws and regulations;
regulates the procedures regarding driver education, licensing of drivers, issuance of drivers’ documents, as well as registration and vehicle licensing; approves, adds to or changes traffic signal
devices and traffic equipment devices; considers the appeals filed against the decisions made at lower levels, pursuant to the CBT; raises to a higher level forum for analysis and solutions, cases involving
disputes over jurisdiction or district, or, where necessary, to coordinate administrative decisions; and settles disputes regarding traffic district or jurisdiction under the federal government, the
states and the Federal District.
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National Traffic Department (DENATRAN)
SECTOR: CONTRAN; Oversight of Traffic Legislation; Procedures for Issuance of Drivers’ Licenses and Documents, Registration and Vehicle Licensing
DENATRAN, linked to the Ministry of Cities (MCidades), is the executive body of the National Traffic System (SNT). DENATRAN's principal objectives are to oversee
and enforce traffic laws and regulations, implement the regulatory standards and guidelines of the National Traffic Council (CONTRAN), supervise and coordinate the
entities responsible for controlling and overseeing implementation of the National Traffic Policy, establish procedures regarding driver education, and oversee the issuance
of drivers’ licenses, vehicle operator permits, and vehicle registrations.
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National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (INMETRO)
SECTOR: Scientific and Industrial Metrology; Legal Metrology; Conformity Assessment; Accreditation; Technical Barriers
INMETRO is responsible for: implementing the national measurements and standards policies; verifying compliance with the technical and legal standards with respect to measurement units, measurement methods,
material measures, measurement instruments and pre-measured products; maintaining and preserving measurement unit standards, as well as implementing and maintaining the tracking chain for measurement
unit standards in Brazil, so as to make them internally coherent and also internationally compatible, primarily to ensure their universal acceptance and, secondarily, their use as support to the productive
sector, enhancing the quality of goods and services; strengthening Brazil's participation in international activities related to metrology and quality, as well as promoting exchanges with foreign and
international entities and organizations; providing technical and administrative support to CONMETRO, as well as to its advisory committees, acting as its executive secretariat; promoting the use of
quality management techniques in Brazilian companies; planning and implementing activities for accreditation and tests for calibration laboratories as well as tests of proficiency for providers,
certification organizations, inspection, training and other functions necessary to the development of the technological services infrastructure in Brazil; and development, under SINMETRO, of conformity assessment
programs in the areas of products, processes, services and personnel, compulsory or voluntary, involving the approval of regulations.
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Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA)
SECTOR: Preservation and Oversight of Natural Resources
IBAMA is a semi-independent agency linked to the Ministry of the Environment (MMA) and is responsible for implementing the National Environmental Policy (PNMA), developing activities for the
preservation and conservation of natural assets and heritage, exercising control and oversight over the use of natural resources (water, flora, fauna, soil, etc.), and granting environmental
licenses for projects under its jurisdiction.
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Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA)
SECTOR: Supply; Food; Bioenergy; Agriculture; Livestock; Plants and Crops
MAPA is responsible for managing public policies for stimulating agriculture and livestock, promoting agribusiness and regulating and standardizing services related to the sector.
MAPA is organized into secretariats, responsible for the different sectors of Brazil’s agribusiness.
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Ministry of Culture (MinC)
SECTOR: ANCINE; Cultural Expression; Letters; Arts; Folklore; National Historical, Archeological and Artistic Assets and Heritage
The MinC develops policies for funding and providing incentives in the areas of Letters, arts, folklore and the various expressions of national culture, as well as preserving national historical,
archaeological and artistic assets and heritage. The MinC is composed of institutions that are collegial, including seven linked institutions, three semi-independent entities
and four nonprofit foundations covering certain fields. They are the Institute of National Historical and Artistic Heritage (Iphan), the Brazilian Institute of Museums (Ibram),
the National Film Agency (Ancine), the Rui Barbosa Residence Foundation (FCRB), the Palmares Cultural Foundation (FCP), the National Foundation for the Arts (Funarte) and the National Library Foundation (FBN).
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Ministry of Defense (MD)
SECTOR: Armed Forces; National Defense; Intelligence; Controlled Products; Defense Industry Products
MD has as its areas of authority and expertise: national defense policy, national defense strategy and preparation of the National Defense White Paper; sector-specific defense and military
policies and strategies; doctrine, planning, organization, preparation and deployment of the Armed Forces, jointly and separately; special projects in the interest of national defense; strategic
and operational intelligence in the interest of defense; military operations of the Armed Forces; international defense relationships; defense budget; defense and military legislation; national
mobilization policy; defense education policy; defense science, technology and innovation policy; defense public affairs policy; remuneration policies for the military and pensioners ; national policy
on exports of defense products and funding of research and development activities, production and exports in areas of defense interest, export controls on defense products; defense industry policy;
defense intelligence policy; activities of the armed forces, when appropriate, in ensuring law and order, to maintain public order and the safety of persons and assets, in ensuring the vote and
vote-counting for elections, cooperation with national development and civil defense in combating cross-border and environmental crimes; defense logistics; military,
and religious care of the Armed Forces; establishing, organizing, training and deploying naval, land, and air forces as well as its active duty personnel; national maritime policy; safety of air navigation
and waterway traffic and safeguarding human life on the seas; real estate assets administered by the Armed Forces, without prejudice to the authority and expertise of the Ministry of Planning,
Budget and Management; military aeronautical policy and performance in the national airspace policy; aerospace and aeronautical infrastructure; and operational consolidation of the Amazon Protection System (SIPAM).
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Ministry of Justice and Citizenship (MJ):
SECTOR: Political Rights; Rights of Indians; Consumer Rights; Narcotics; Criminal Policies; Public Safety and Security; Human Trafficking; Political Amnesty; National Archives; Migration
MJ has the authority and expertise to: defend the legal order, political rights and constitutional guarantees; the judicial system policies; indigenous rights; narcotics, law enforcement,
the Federal
Police, the Federal Highways and Railways Police, and the Federal District Police; defense of the national economic order and consumer rights; plan, coordinate and manage national penitentiary
nationality and citizenship, immigration and foreigners; general ombudsmen for Indians and for consumers; federal police ombudsmen; full and free legal assistance, both judicial
and extrajudicial, for
the needy, as determined by law; defense of property and assets of the federal government and other entities comprising the indirect federal public administration; communicate, coordinate,
integrate and propose government actions and of the National Drug Policy System in its aspects related to the activities of prevention, suppression of illicit trafficking and unauthorized
production of drugs,
as well as those aspects related to treatment, recovery, and social reintegration of users and addicts and the Integrated Plan to Combat Crack and Other Drugs; coordinate and implement
regulatory acts
consolidating work within the Executive Branch; prevention and suppression of activities related to money laundering, as well as international legal cooperation; national policy on archives;
and provide
assistance to the President on any matters not assigned to another Ministry.
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Ministry of Health (MS)
SECTOR: ANVISA; Promoting Health, Preventive Healthcare and Assistance
MS is responsible for organizing and preparing plans and public policies for promoting preventive care and health care for Brazilians. The MS is the initiator and supervisor for the
implementation of such policies in the following areas: national health policies; coordination and oversight of the Unified National Health System; environmental health and actions to
promote, protect and recover individual and collective health, including the health of workers and Indians; health information; inputs critical to health; preventive actions in general,
health surveillance and sanitary control of borders, seaports, river ports and airports; health surveillance, especially regarding drugs, medicines and foodstuffs; scientific research and
technology in the health area; and supervising its associated entities: the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) and the National Supplemental Health Agency (ANS).
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Ministry of the Cities (MCidades)
SECTOR: Urban Development; Urban Transit; Housing; Sanitation
This Ministry is responsible for establishing strategies, guidelines and priorities in allocating public resources, as well as creating requirements and standards, while monitoring and evaluating
federal programs. Its areas of authority and expertise include: urban development policy; sector-specific housing, environmental sanitation, urban transportation and transit policies; working
in conjunction with the various levels of government, the private sector and non-governmental organizations to promote actions and programs involving urbanization, housing, basic and environmental
sanitation, urban transportation, traffic and urban development; subsidy policies for public housing, sanitation and urban transportation; planning, regulating, standard-setting and managing the
allocation of resources on policies regarding urban development, urbanization, housing, basic and environmental sanitation, urban transportation and public transit; participation in the formulation
of overall guidelines for conservation of urban water systems, as well as adoption of drainage basins as basic units for planning and managing sanitation.
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Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications (MCTIC)
SECTOR: ANATEL; Broadcasting, Postal, and Telecommunications Services
Description and scope pending
Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME)
SECTOR:ANEEL; ANP; Geology; Mineral Resources; Hydroelectric Power; Mining and Metallurgy; Petroleum; Natural Gas; Biofuels; Bioenergy; Electrical Power
MME represents the federal government as concession-grantor, formulator of public policies, and initiator and supervisor for the implementation of such policies in the
fields of geology, mineral and energy resources, and use of hydropower; mining and metallurgy; petroleum, electrical power, and fuel, including nuclear; and supplying
energy to rural areas, bioenergy, including rural electrification, when paid for with funds linked to the National Electrical Power System (SNE). The MME is also
responsible for ensuring the structural and cyclical equilibrium between the supply and demand of energy resources in Brazil and supervising the entities related to the MME:
the National Mineral Production Department (DNPM), the National Electrical Power Agency (ANEEL),
and the National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP).
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Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services (MDIC)
SECTOR: Inmetro; International Trade; Investment; Innovation;
MDIC has the authority and expertise to formulate, implement and evaluate public policies to promote competitiveness, foreign trade, investment and innovation in business, as well as the interests of consumers, and it has administrative links to the following entities: Manaus Duty Free Zone Superintendence (SUFRAMA); National Institute for Industrial Property (INPI); National Institute for Metrology, Quality and Technology (INMETRO); and these private non-profit entities: Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development (ABDI).
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Ministry of Environment (MMA)
SECTOR: IBAMA; Conservation; Preservation; Restoration of Environmental Biodiversity; Water Resources; Ecosystems
MMA has the authority and expertise to promote the adoption of principles and strategies fostering knowledge, protection and restoration of the environment, establishing the
nation’s policies for the environment and water resources; policies for preservation, conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems, biodiversity and forests; proposing strategies,
mechanisms and economic and social instruments to improve environmental quality and the sustainable use of natural resources; policies for integrating the environment and its productive use;
environmental policies and programs for the Legal Amazon area, and ecological and economic zoning.
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Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE)
SECTOR: Employment; Income; Workplace Safety and Health
the MTE has the authority and expertise to: develop policies and guidelines for generating jobs and income,
supporting workers, modernizing labor relations, overseeing and inspecting workplaces, including port operations, imposing sanctions provided for by law or in collective agreements,
wage policies, professional development and training, workplace safety and health, immigration policy and fostering urban cooperatives and associations.
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Ministry of Transportation (MTr)
SECTOR: ANTT; Transportation via Railways, Highways and Waterways; Merchant Marine; Docks; Ports
MTr has the authority and expertise to formulate, coordinate and supervise national transportation policies for railways, highways and waterways, the merchant marine, navigable waterways,
rivers and inland ports, except for those awarded to dock concessionaires, participation in the coordination of air transportation and port services and overseeing the entities administratively tied to it:
the National Transportation Infrastructure Department (DNIT) and the National Ground Transportation Agency (ANTT).
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