Brazil Standards System: Introduction
The Brazilian standards system is administered by the National Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality System (SINMETRO).The system is comprised of public-sector and private entities
that perform activities related to metrology, standardization, industrial quality, and certification of conformity in Brazil.
The National Council on Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality (Conmetro) operates through its technical advisory committees, which include the Technical Barriers to Trade Coordinating Committee (CBTC), the Brazilian Committee on Conformity Assessment (CBAC) and the Brazilian Regulation Committee (CBR). Participation in these committees is open to the public, and generally they are comprised of entities representing academia, industry, commerce and other entities interested in the topics of metrology, standardization and quality in Brazil.
The Brazilian government and Conmetro coordinate with society through 36 government entities that operate in a wide variety of sectors for the purpose of regulating commercial economic practices, production and service delivery, as well as interactions with consumers and the effects of these practices on the use of natural resources and the environment. This coordination, aside from improving the quality and competitiveness of products and services developed in Brazil, promotes sustainability and alignment with international best practices.
Finally, given the importance to industry of awareness of the mandatory technical regulations for products in Brazil, this section aims to highlight the 25 government entities most involved in the issuance of regulations regarding products and production processes that may have an impact on international trade.
Learn more about the structure of the Brazil system
Learn more about the Brazil standardization system
Brazilian Standards System: Standards used in Brazil