Standards and conformity assessment information for Brazil

Brazil Standards System: FAQ - Brazil Standards System

Standards System
What is a Voluntary Brazilian Standard?
Does the Brazilian government have oversight over ABNT?
Are Brazilian Standards the only standards in use in Brazil?

What is a Voluntary Brazilian Standard?

A Voluntary Brazilian Standard is a standard developed by the Brazilian Technical Standards Association (ABNT) and approved as a Technical Standard (NT). ABNT relies on public input from various stakeholders in society in the development of NTs. ABNT utilizes International Standards whenever possible as reference of the local standards development.

Does the Brazilian government have oversight over ABNT?

No. ABNT is a private, non-governmental, not-for-profit organization and is the only recognized National Forum for Standardization in Brazil. Although ABNT is maintained through public and private funding, it is essentially a private partner in the SINMETRO system.

Are Brazilian National Standards the only standards in used in Brazil?

No. Standards from ISO, IEC and other international standards developers, as well as regional standards, foreign standards and others are also used in the Brazilian market.

Brazilian Conformity Assessment System: Introduction