Standards and conformity assessment information for United States of America

SDO: Green Seal

Primary Contact

Cheryl Baldwin
Vice President of Science and Standards
1001 Connecticut Ave NW Suite 827
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202.872.6400
Fax: 202.872.4324
Primary URL:

Organizational Overview

Green Seal is a non-profit organization founded in 1989. Green Seal’s mission is to use science-based programs to empower consumers, purchasers, and companies to create a more sustainable world. This is achieved through its standard setting, certification, and education programs.

Scope of Standards Developing Activity

Green Seal’s standards include requirements to reduce, to the extent technologically and economically feasible, the health, environmental, and social impacts associated with the life cycle of organizations, services, and products. Set on a category-by-category basis, Green Seal standards focus on significant opportunities to reduce a product, service, or organization’s life cycle impact.

Green Seal is accredited by the American National Standards Institute as a developer of American National Standards.

Seal’s organizational website