SDO: National Council for Prescription Drug Programs
Margaret Weiker
Vice-President, Standards Development
9240 E. Raintree Dr.
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Phone: 480.477.1000
Fax: 480.767.1042
Email: [email protected]
Organizational Overview
Formed in 1976, the National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the development and dissemination of voluntary consensus standards.
NCPDP’s standards documents are used for information transfer processes associated with the pharmacy services sector of the healthcare industry. NCPDP’s membership is broad based within this segment of the healthcare industry.
The vision of the Council is to lead the industry in healthcare standards and solutions for the common good. The purpose of the Council is to standardize the exchange of healthcare information to improve outcomes.
This is accomplished through the exploration and application of appropriate knowledge transfer technologies, within the diverse group of healthcare providers, payers and related information processors that are participants in this segment of the healthcare industry.
Scope of Standards Developing Activity
NCPDP achieves our purpose by establishing and maintaining a forum that facilitates the development, publication, implementation, maintenance and control of standards for information processing. It also promotes and monitors the use of these standards among its
diverse membership and other interested or materially affected parties. The Council is committed to working cooperatively with all groups dedicated to improving the quality and efficiency of healthcare delivery, financing and administration.
Through open communication, active pursuit of balanced representation and continuous consensus building, all of which are conducted to ensure due process, the Council operates standardization Work Groups which develop standards documents;
and maintains records of all Work Group explorations and considerations, according to applicable sections of the NCPDP Bylaws and the Standing Operating Procedures. The information content of the Council's standards documents shall not intentionally
unfairly favor the proprietary characteristics, interests, specific products or systems of one organization or company over another.
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