Standards and conformity assessment information for United States of America

Trade Associations: American Oil Chemists' Society

Primary Contact

Dr. Richard Cantrill
Technical Director
2710 S. Boulder Drive
Urbana, IL 61802
Phone: 217.359.2344
Fax: 217.351.8901

Organizational Overview

AOCS is a global professional scientific society for all individuals and corporations with interest in the fats, oils, surfactants, detergents and related materials fields. The mission of the Society is the driving force behind all educational materials, technical products and services, which are produced with the help of the AOCS Membership. Since its inception almost 100 years ago, the American Oil Chemists' Society (AOCS) has grown from the nine founders who stood on the steps of the Memphis Jockey Club in 1909 to an international organization of over 4,000 members in more than 90 countries across the globe. It is the members and their contributions that make up the true value of AOCS.

The AOCS Mission: To be a global forum to promote the exchange of ideas, information, and experience, to enhance personal excellence, and to provide high standards of quality among those with a professional interest in the science and technology of fats, oils, surfactants, and related materials.

Scope of Membership Activity

AOCS Membership provides a network of individuals with experiences relating to many technical areas. Members have access to dedicated professionals, current technical information, eductational meetings, and much more. The collective knowledge of the members and access to AOCS’s many resources provide expertise and essential information. The membership spans the globe, making AOCS a forum to exchange information relevant to the fats and oils field. Members are individuals from industry, academia, state and governmental organizations worldwide.

Scope of Services

AOCS Meetings provide opportunities to interact with colleagues and exchange ideas. In addition to the AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo, the AOCS also holds many other international conferences, world congresses, and short courses that focus on specific areas of technical interests not available through any other association.

AOCS Press publishes technical, research, and industrial information in proceedings, monographs, and journals on fats, oils, surfactants, and a wide range of related subjects.

AOCS Technical Services offers many products and services to individuals and organizations in the industry to help maintain quality and excellence. These include the Official Methods and Recommended Practices of the AOCS, 5 th Edition, 2nd Printing; Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Oils, Fats, and Waxes, 2nd Edition; AOCS Methods on Biodiesel Feedstock Quality CD-ROM; AOCS Laboratory Proficiency Program; Approved Chemist Program; NOPA/AOCS Certified Laboratory Program; USB/AOCS Soybean Quality Traits Analytical Standards Program; Custom Certification Programs; Reference Samples; Certified Reference Materials; Official Supplies; and International Committee Management and Participation.

Specific industry Information

AOCS serves the fats and oils industry by providing technical support, information, analytical and quality control tools. The association serves the biotechnology, agricultural, oilseed processing and food processing companies with its products and services. AOCS methods are used in domestic and international trade.

Standards-related Information

AOCS (mainly) and ISO standards are used by the fats and oils industry.

Conformity Assessment-Related Information

Currently AOCS has no formal activity in the conformity assessment arena.

Technical Regulations-related Information

The relevant regulatory agencies with jurisdiction over AOCS’s industry sector include:

  • Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)