Key Information
How can I get an “early warning” on changes to the requirements of my target market?
There are several ways to stay informed of and comment on proposed changes to mandatory and voluntary requirements in Korea.
Mandatory Requirements
One resource for early warning on proposed changes to the market access requirements for Korea (as well as for those of other WTO members) is the World Trade Organization (WTO) Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) notifications. The WTO calls members to notify the WTO Secretariat of any proposed changes to governmental-level technical regulations that could significantly affect trade prior to implementation. This can help exporters to quickly and efficiently stay apprised of changes.
All world entities can sign up for a free, customizable web-based service that informs users of proposed changes to technical regulations within their industry sectors and countries of interest, provides full text of the proposed regulations, and offers a mechanism for users to submit comments in response to the proposed regulations.
U.S. companies can access the Notify U.S. service which provides free, customized email alerts regarding WTO notifications from China and other WTO countries. This service is provided by the U.S. WTO Enquiry Point at the National Center for Standards and Certification Information (NCSCI) of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Sign up for Notify U.S. (U.S. interests only)
Sign up for notifications through the Korean TBT Central Office (TBTCO) (Korean interests only)
Sign up for WTO/TBT Notifications from the WTO (Free for everyone)
The Korean Gwanbo contains legislative promulgation, the revision of laws, treaties, and public affairs, searchable in Korean language by keyword. The Gwanbo is the official daily publication for rules, proposed rules and notices of Korean agencies and local states, as well as executive orders and constitution.
Voluntary Requirements
KATS also provides a variety of information related to new and amended standards and publishes drafts and proposed changes to Korean Industrial Standards (KS).
KS Standards daily additions for draft KS (available in Korean only)
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