Standards and conformity assessment information for Korea

ROK Standards System: Standards Used in Korea

Standards System

Korean Industrial Standards

Standards developed by KATS are called Korean Industrial Standards (KS) and are the Korean national standards. Generally, KS are voluntary, meaning the government does not require compliance with them in order to place a product in the Korean market. However, KS are frequently referenced in government regulations and technical specifications, and implemented by public agencies in procurement. For example, Korean government ministries currently reference about 19,000 KS in over 106 types of laws and regulations.

There are three types of KS:

  • Product Standard
    related to improvement, measurement, or quality of a product
  • Procedure Standard
    stipulates testing, analysis, inspection, or measurement processes required
  • Horizontal Standard
    specifies terminology, technical characteristics, unit and numerical progression

As of 2007, there are approximately 22,760 KS in the Korean market. The table below shows the distribution of KS among the 16 sector classifications:

Sector Code Description # of Standards
Basic Standards (A) General/Radiation, radioactivity management/ Guide/Dependability management/Culture/Social system/Etc. 1,130
Mechanical Engineering (B) General/Machine elements/Tools/Machine tools/Measuring instrument physical apparatus/General machinery/Industrial machinery Agricultural machinery/Thermal apparatus gas apparatus/Metrology measurement/Industrial automation/Etc. 4,150
Electrical & Electronic engineering (C) General/Measurement & testing apparatus/Electrical & electronic materials/cable and conduit/Electrical machines/Electrical appliances Electrical electronic communication component/ Lamp-lighting devices/Wiring electrical accessories/ Semiconductor display/Others 3,339
Metals (D) General/Raw Materials/Steels/Cast Steel and Cast Iron/Copper Products/Castings/Wrought Products/Secondary Products/ Methods of processing/Analysis/Etc. 1,652
Mine (E) General/Mining/Security/Mineral/Transportation/Etc. 434
Construction (F) General/Testing, inspection, measurement/ Materials, elements of civil and building construction/ Construction work/Etc. 833
Necessities (G) General/Furniture interior item/Stationery, office supplies/Household goods/ Leisure, sports equipment/Musical instruments/Etc. 366
Foodstuffs (H) General/Processed agricultural foods/Processed marine foods/Etc. 513
Environment (I) General/Environmental assessment/Atmosphere/ Water quality/Soil quality/Waste/Noise and vibration/Malodor/Marine environment/ Etc.  
Organisms (J) General/Biological process/Bio-chemical, biofuels/ Industrial microorganism/Bioassay, bioinformation/Etc.  
Fiber (K) General/Clothing/Yarns, Knitted fabrics, Textile fabrics/Textile, Knitting machine/Industrial textile products/Etc. 860
Ceramics (L) General/Glass/Refractories/Potteries, clay products/Cement/Abrasives/Machine structure ceramics/ Electric, electronic ceramics/Ceramic materials/Etc. 453
Chemistry (M) General/Industrial chemicals/Rubber, leather/Fats and oils, mineral oil/Plastics, photographic material/Dyestuff, explosives/Pigment, paint, ink/Paper, pulps/Reagents/Cosmetics/Etc. 4,091
Medical (P) General /General medical devices/Equipment used in medical practice/Materials for medical devices /Medical supplies, hygienic products/Technical aids for disables, elderly-considered products/Electronic equipment in medical practice/Etc. 733
Quality Management (Q) General /Factory management/Sensory analysis/System certification/Conformity assessment/Applied statistical method /Etc.  
Transportation machines (R) General /Testing and Inspect method/Common parts/Bicycle/Engine and parts/Car bodies, safety/Electric & electronic systems, instruments/Repair Tools/Railway /Motorcycle /Etc. 1,065
Shipbuilding (V) General/Hull/Engine & parts/Electric equipment/ Navigational instrument/Etc. 837
Aerospace (W) General/Standard parts/Airframe, materials/Aviation screw propeller/Aviation electronic equipment/ Ground support supplies /Etc. 486
Information (X) General /Information technology application/ Character set, coding, automatic identification/ Software, computer graphics /Networking, IT interconnection/IT equipment, data storage media/Electronic documents, electronic commerce 1,862

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Development of Korean Industrial Standards