ROK Standards System: Key Organizations
The standards system in Korea is coordinated by the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), with input from other Korean government and private sector organizations. This section provides information on these key organizations:
Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS)
Currently positioned
within the Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE), the Korean Agency for Technology and
Standards (KATS) was originally established in 1883 as a testing laboratory
for the Mint Office, charged with producing and analyzing coinage. Today, KATS is the coordinator of the Korean
standards system, and the Korean National Standards Body. KATS’ main objectives include:
- Advancement and innovation of the national standards system, including a basis for eventual harmonization of standards between North and South Korea
- To strengthen the technology infrastructure of the standards system, and continuously improve the legal metrology system
- Effective representation of Korea in international standardization activities
- To assist the private sector in increasing its capacity to develop standards
As coordinator of the Korean standards system, KATS lead many standards-related activities including:
Establishment of Standard Basic Plans
Before a new KS is developed, a standard basic plan, or new work item, including a proposal for the new standard is put forward within KATS. The plans result from coordinated efforts of a large group of stakeholders from government, industry, standards developing organizations, consumer groups, and academia. Each plan is approved by the Korea Industrial Standards Commission (KISC), an internal committee within KATS, before moving on to the relevant technical committee.
Learn more about the development of Korean Industrial Standards
Standards Development
KATS develops Korean Industrial Standards (KS) according to proposals from stakeholders and a standardization basic plan, which is approved by the Korea Industrial Standards Commission (KISC). After KS have been developed, KATS reviews the standards every 5 years for potential confirmation, revision, or withdrawal.
Learn more about the development of Korean Industrial Standards
KATS is actively committed to various standards promotion activities such as standard education programs in universities, mentoring professional standards experts, and supporting the standards education activities of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and other international cooperations.
In addition, KATS’ role as overseer of the Korean standards system involves the following priorities:
- Secure the reliability of KS and the representative national certification mark
- Promote the recognition and use internationally of KS and Korean conformity assessment measures
- Enhance the accuracy of national measurement standards and strengthen industrial competitiveness
- Support and strengthen international standardization activities
Designation of Cooperating Organizations for Standards Development (COSDs)
In order to assist the private sector in increasing its capacity to develop standards and encourage a bottom-up approach to standards development, KATS has started to designate standards developers in the Korean private sector as Cooperating Organizations for Standards Development (COSDs).
Access a directory of organizations designated by KATS as COSDs
Conformity Assessment
KATS is the Korean representative to the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and
Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (PAC), and operates two accreditation programs:
Learn more about KATS’ conformity assessment activities
WTO/TBT Enquiry Point
In Korea, KATS has been designated the official enquiry point for the World Trade Organization’s Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement. Domestically, KATS assists Korean industry in this role by providing useful and necessary information for entering and competing in foreign markets, and acting as a national clearing house for information on standards, technical regulations, and conformity assessment procedures. Internationally, KnowTBT within KATS acts as a TBT central secretariat for Korea, notifying the WTO/TBT Committee of proposed regulations.
Get information and sign up for a free e-mail subscription service in order to review and comment on TBT Notifications from Korea and other WTO member countries:
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Korean Standards Association (KSA)
The Korean Standards Association (KSA) is a membership organization including over 4,300 members representing companies, industry associations, and other organizations. KSA conducts many research and education initiatives related to standards, carried out mainly by its network of industry and technical experts. In addition, KSA is the primary distributor of Korean Industrial Standards.
Purchase Korean Industrial Standards
KSA is also designated as a certification body for KS, ISO 9000, and other foreign/international standards.
Learn more about KSA’s international activities
Korean Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS)
The Korean Research Institute of
Standards and Science (KRISS) is the national metrology institute (NMI) of Korea. In this role, KRISS establishes, improves,
and disseminates national measurement standards. Additionally, KRISS conducts research and
development activities related to standards and metrology.
KRISS is the official member to the General
Council on Weights and Measures (CGPM) and the Asia Pacific Metrology Program (APMP).
Learn more about KRISS
Standards Used in Korea